A Rainy Day in Nevergarde

Nevergarde, a nice little town to stay and have a cup of coffee… if you don’t mind all the weirdness. The town isn’t like normal places, everywhere around the place there’s always something weird happening, whether that be the library with bats everywhere, the black and white traffic lights, or Meme St. where everyone makes memes.

Though not much was going on today as it was raining outside. One of the people that was waiting out the storm was a man named Pierce Alba, he is a writer who has been working on his story for a while. He has come back to his home of Nevergarde to help with his writing process, it’s because of the weirdness in Nevergarde.

He just sat in the living room with his computer open and nothing written down. He stared out at the pouring rain, trying to come up with an idea but nothing was coming to him.

“Yo, what are you thinking about?” the person that said this was Pierce’s roommate and friend, Roxanne Miller. She would usually be around, helping him whenever she could.

“Y’know, thinking what to write for my story and coming up with nothing.” Pierce said, feeling defeated.

“Well then, why don’t you take a break from the writing and watch a movie with me instead.” she said, holding up a DVD. “You get information from both books and movies, so this should work both ways. You get reference for your story, and you get to relax.”

“And what do you get out of this?” Pierce asked.

“I get to see you have a good time my annoying friend.” Roxanne said, giving Pierce a noogie.

They made some oven pizza, popcorn, and had some drinks to quench their thirst. They sat on the couch, watching a Drama/Comedy, Shaun of the Dead. They watched the movie all through the night, enjoying the apocalyptic event, mixed with amazing comedy that made them laugh so hard that they could barely take it, as well as enjoying the relationship between Shaun and Ed.

After the many laughs and heartfelt drama, they cleaned off the table of their garbage. They cleaned up the dishes as they got to talking again.

“So, feeling more relaxed?” Roxanne said, bumping him with her shoulder.

“Yes, I will admit, it was a good time. Watching something entertaining helped my creative juices.” Pierce said as he was bumped again by Roxanne. “Okay, okay, I enjoyed the movie more than getting materials out of it.”

“That’s better. Always know when to have some fun once in a while. You got plenty of time to write your stories.” Roxanne said, stealing a soda and heading back to the living room.

As soon as Pierce was finished washing the dishes, he saw Roxanne at the window. She was staring up into the night sky past the rain. He decided to join her as she handed him another soda.

“I never did see you as a night watcher.” Pierce said.

“Well, I’m more interested in the moon. You know here on Nadel we enjoy a full moon. You know why?”

“Is it because you always picture yourselves as werewolves?” Pierce said sarcastically.

“No, not entirely true, but it’s also because it shines beauty in the night. Not many people just take a few minutes to appreciate this moment, I mean, a full moon only happens for three days until the next one in around four weeks. Everyone here enjoys watching the moon, hoping it could stay this way forever. It’s one of our best memories.”

“You know, that’s actually what I found bringing back to Nevergarde, more than my stories, it was my memory of this place. There are many places around the world that’s pretty memorable, but I guess your home is something no one forgets.”

Roxanne giggled a little. “Maybe try writing that into your story, fans might get a kick out of that.”

“Eh, I might think about it.” Pierce said as they cheered with their sodas and finished the night with one last chug of soda.







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