About Me

Hello, my name is Ian Grabowski, currently a Junior in the University of Mary Washington. I’m basically making this blog to help with my story development. To post my ideas and thoughts I have for it as well as letting all of you see what I write.

The most you need to know about me is that I’m a creative type. What I mean by that is that I create things from stories, to art, to a bit of sewing. Basically a few creative things here and there. You can also check out examples of things I have created from my other social media accounts down below. I hope to submit more stories in the future for people to enjoy, but until now I guess this will have to do.

A few other points about me, it’s probably not important. My genres are Supernatural, Science Fiction, and Mystery, but I’m always game to try new genres. My favorite animal is the Wolf. My favorite books to read are Harry Potter and The Giver. I’m a fan of most stories and movies, but I’ll usually talk about their flaws so hopefully I don’t do that here. But most importantly, my goal is to become a successful writer to give many young readers entertainment through reading books.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
I apologize for the stuttering, I’m not good at talking to people or to a camera.
Just an example of music I like to listen to when writing.







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