Final Summary

This course was an interesting one, learning the many different ways of storytelling, getting my creative juices flowing, and even making a blog website.

The Visuals got my mind flowing with how pictures can make a story tell itself. Even just knowing how well photographers work to get a good angle, good lighting, and a nice balance of a picture. Just knowing a simple picture can tell many stories to a person, even make a person interested in the story when it’s talked about.

The Graphic Designs were a little complicated for me to get behind, but when I really got into it, I slowly started to understand it. The combination of text and pictures together make a powerful story, poem, or even just a card to give to someone. Understanding the different kinds of colors and typographs were the most interesting to me because I didn’t think that much about them, but just knowing a type of lettering and a right blend of colors can make a design come to life.

The Sounds caught my interest about how sound in radio shows, podcasts, etc. can change a lot about a story. The whole idea that creating a background sound can influence some chills into person listening is interesting. It also gave me a light on how hard putting sound into a story can be. I always thought writing was hard, but combined with this, it seems like a lot to do, but producing a story is never easy as people would say.

The Video assignment, I didn’t get that much from it, but it did give me some good pointers for me. I’ve done a lot of editing for myself when it comes to videos, though I will give it to professional editors, they definitely give a lot to make sure everything works. Every video always has a spot in it where something goes wrong, and they must cut it out and continue with the scene. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but when it does work, it helps make story worth watching.

If I were to take this course again, I definitely would try to get my work done on time and try asking for assistance of stuff I was confused on earlier. It was a real pain trying to get the website working right and I probably would have had it done sooner if I asked for help earlier.

Finally, out of all the projects I worked on in this class, I would say the design assignments was my favorite. Even though I was having trouble with understanding it in beginning, the random assignments gave me a lot of inspiration for storytelling, basically thinking outside the box.



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