Photos that tell Stories

Pictures photographers take can tell so many stories to people. From the video below, a person tells the story of a Wildlife Sanctuary. His original intention was to take photos of many animals in this sanctuary, though that changed to an interesting story about Elephants, mainly one elephant that he watches and takes pictures of. It’s a compelling story and the pictures he took of it helped tell it.

I would think that his timing and angles helped tell the story well, even without saying anything, the pictures alone could tell people what happened. For photography, the balance in taking photos seem to work well. Not just helping people understand the story, but it also helps people get wrapped into the story.

Learning about photography also helps to know when it comes to the right kind of lighting. This video and website made sense to me that a photo can look different depending on focus of the image and the angle it’s taken from. I will agree that a single image taken a picture of can tell someone many stories, I also believe that a picture with no dialogue can make a person appreciate it more and think more into the meaning of a picture. I think an interesting story can come from a picture alone.







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