
Behind the Sounds – My creative Blog (

Discussion of Birthdays – My creative Blog (

Random Noise of the Day – My creative Blog (

The Original and Cover – My creative Blog (

A Strange conversation about… Sponges? – My creative Blog (

This assignment was a very enjoyable. I would listen to podcasts sometimes, but I wouldn’t pay attention to the sounds they would make in it. In fact, I didn’t think too much about other sounds used in media. This assignment taught me that the production of sound is as difficult or more difficult than writing the actual script for an idea. Just thinking how much work they had to put in for a right balance of pitching, cutting and pasting lines of audio to use, and about listening carefully to the sounds coming out.

The hardest part about this assignment was probably Random Noises. It’s because I don’t usually record what’s going on with sound, but I gave it a try and the best way was just sitting in the car with my dad, hearing the sound of engine. It wasn’t easy manly because I read the instructions a little late in the day.

It was easy for me to handle the Original and Cover. I’ve done my fair share of editing videos, and editing music together was no different for me, I guess. Though I would say it was also the craziest part of the assignments, because the audacity was being a problem for me. So, I resorted to using a different program called Filmora. It might be used for editing videos, but it was easier for me to understand how it works, because I’ve used it before.

Finally, I enjoyed a lot from this assignment, I would probably say my favorite was the War of the World. It felt so overwhelming with what was happening in that radio show. It was honestly hard to believe all of that was staged. They did a great job with the audio of broadcast and I’m sure many other people would enjoy it as well.






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