The Designs

What did you learn? What was harder than you thought it would be? What was easier? What drove you crazy? Why? What did you enjoy? Why?

This assignment was kind of confusing to me, but I did learn that the meaning and balance of Graphic Design. This assignment was definitely a more challenging one to the photo visual one, almost like it continues on from it, but it includes texts as well to tell the story of something, to make something sound great.

My assignment for DesignBlitz was a bit difficult mainly because I barely take that many pictures with different signs, ads, etc. Also, the learning curve for it was a bit difficult to get all the information. I found it easier when I was doing the random blogs, it was great to stretch my creative muscles to design an interesting picture and also come up with an interesting story behind it.

What drove me crazy the most was probably the Vignelli Canon. Even though it’s said to be a short booklet, reading that whole thing would be a killer on the mind, especially the beginning part where Massimo Vignelli was trying to explain Semantics that went on for three paragraphs to many, it was like reading the beginning of a book that doesn’t start to make sense until later in the story.

I would say I enjoyed spreading my creativity a bit, helping me to come up with a story with only what I got on hand. I’m usually a person that will run into Writer’s Block, but I guess the random blogs gave me some inspiration. Sure, not all of them were real winners to me, but I still got some ideas out that whole thing.






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