Tag: VisualAssignments

  • Drawing it!

    For this assignment I made a drawing of the image on the top. I used the GIMP software to help make this possible and worked kind of well. I mainly had trouble when it came to filters, trying to make seem more of a drawing than a stone art. In the end, I kind of…

  • Strange Quotes

    For this assignment, I used three recognizable references to make a hilarious meme/quote. And for those who don’t understand these references, I’ll either force you to watch a movie, play you a sound recording from the actual movie, or steal your socks. I hope you enjoy this, because I definitely enjoyed creating this.

  • The Cat in the Window

    A Cat stares out the window, but this is no ordinary cat, this is Tuxedo Cat. A secret spy agent… who is apparently a Cat. Their mission is to watch over the Campus and make sure nothing goes wrong. It plays innocent by cleaning themself, eating, watching birds, etc. but this Cat watches everything, making…

  • A Badge Idea

    For this assignment, I made an idea for a badge by thinking of the universe. One of the first ideas I had for writing a story had the whole universe as the story point. It led to me coming up with more and more ideas to this story, which expanded my mind more. It made…
