Welcome to my Creativity Blog

From Ian Grabowski

Other Topics to check out:

  • Find him!

    I write this assignment for the lookout of this man, Dr. Oblivion. He has reached the hearts of… 170 viewers. It might not be much, but he has spread a word to people and we must find him at all cost. He was last seen on the Internet with his link below. If any of…

  • Story told

    A land that was lost from time itself. A great war caused so much to the world, fires, destruction, chaos, engulfing the land and filling it with darkness. Though even in the darkest of places, people will find the light and this light was found in special place. It was a sanctuary for those who…

  • Photos of Reference

    Each of these photos I’ve taken over the years have a creative design to it, not just of what they say, but also the time it took a person to make them. Each of these pictures has either a certain color design to it, a use of typography, a usage of spacing and form, or…

  • Meaning of Design

    I will admit, when I was reviewing the resource of The Vignelli Canon, I didn’t understand it at first, but the more I read into it, it slowly started to make sense what it was about. That everything in the design of it, whether it is a advertisement, a magazine, or a comic (or graphic…

  • The Visuals

    Learning the visuals of photography was an interesting thing. I didn’t really think much about angles, lighting, or timing in taking a picture, though how they brought it together to make interesting stories with just one photo changes a lot of things when it comes to a person’s point of view. I will admit, the…

  • Drawing it!

    For this assignment I made a drawing of the image on the top. I used the GIMP software to help make this possible and worked kind of well. I mainly had trouble when it came to filters, trying to make seem more of a drawing than a stone art. In the end, I kind of…

  • Strange Quotes

    For this assignment, I used three recognizable references to make a hilarious meme/quote. And for those who don’t understand these references, I’ll either force you to watch a movie, play you a sound recording from the actual movie, or steal your socks. I hope you enjoy this, because I definitely enjoyed creating this.

  • The Cat in the Window

    A Cat stares out the window, but this is no ordinary cat, this is Tuxedo Cat. A secret spy agent… who is apparently a Cat. Their mission is to watch over the Campus and make sure nothing goes wrong. It plays innocent by cleaning themself, eating, watching birds, etc. but this Cat watches everything, making…

  • A Badge Idea

    For this assignment, I made an idea for a badge by thinking of the universe. One of the first ideas I had for writing a story had the whole universe as the story point. It led to me coming up with more and more ideas to this story, which expanded my mind more. It made…

  • A 10-step Challenge

    For this assignment, I chose to create a collage of my house. Not much is interesting about it, but I feel as though the pictures fit together well, even if they’re in different locations. I tried to keep the angle and of the photos and the light in the morning definitely help with adding some,…
